Ganzkörper Check-up Berlin

MRI whole-body check-up

in Berlin, Leipzig, Hanover, Nuremberg and Munich

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 30 to 50 percent of all cancer cases worldwide could be prevented through prevention. A healthy lifestyle and early cancer detection are crucial. As a radiation-free diagnostic method, conservative MRI of the whole body is ideally suited for preventive care and can also be used safely at a young age. Based on state-of-the-art technology, MRI can be used for fast screening of the entire body. For many organs, MRI is the most accurate method to detect tumours at an early stage.

In case of known malignant disease, whole-body MRI is an excellent diagnostic tool for assessing the course of the disease and is highly accurate in detecting metastases. In protocols specially adapted for this purpose, whole-body examination is possible within an acceptable examination period, including imaging the vessels supplying the brain and a high-resolution 3D examination of the entire spinal column. Fortunately, detailed MRI also reveals benign changes that do not require further diagnostic or therapeutic measures. The results can provide you with valuable ideas for preventing diseases, minimising existing health risks and successfully treating illnesses.

Gain insight into your current state of health! Thanks to the absence of radiation exposure, a whole-body MRI checkup is best suited for regular repetition.

Ganzkörper Check-up Berlin
Do you need an MRI appointment in Berlin, Leipzig, Hanover, Nuremberg or Munich?

Then don’t hesitate to contact me by phone, e-mail or with the form on this page. But you can also arrange your next appointment online – conveniently and easily. I look forward to hearing from you!
