Kopf-Hals-Diagnostik Berlin

Head and neck diagnostics

in Berlin, Leipzig, Hanover, Nuremberg and Munich

Diagnostics of the head and neck region is a very complex field in radiology and was an extremely exciting field for me during my many years of work at the Proton Therapy Center in Munich. Highly qualified diagnostics and the latest imaging technology enables even the smallest changes to be detected, which can be of great relevance. These include, in particular, tumours in the head and neck region, which must be detected and their propagation precisely assessed. Ultra-high resolution MRI imaging allows the appropriate fine diagnostics, which I can also offer you with a 3-Tesla MRI scanner.

This examination can be usefully supplemented for certain diagnoses and therapeutic measures.

I am there for you with special investigations in head and neck diagnostics in my private practice in Berlin, Leipzig, Hanover, Nuremberg and Munich.

Do you need an MRI appointment in Berlin, Leipzig, Hanover, Nuremberg or Munich?

Then don’t hesitate to contact me by phone, e-mail or with the form on this page. But you can also arrange your next appointment online – conveniently and easily. I look forward to hearing from you!
